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Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 3, 2015

Cinderella 2015

Last night my mom and I went to the theater and ended up in a room full of giggly girls of varying ages, excited to see the newest version of the very classic Cinderella story. I enjoyed the feeling of nostalgia that seemed to permeate the atmosphere. Sure, nowadays there seems to be an endless amount of remakes, almost to the point of overkill. But this film was different. I feel like it resurrected something of simplicity and purity from the past, and I found the experience quite refreshing.
Most of us know the Cinderella story chiefly from the Disney cartoon that came out in 1950. This is a live action remake of the story, holding to its main themes pretty well. It’s the tale of a young girl named Ella who grows up in her parents’ farmhouse and who is deeply loved by them both. Sorrow enters the household when Ella’s mother dies from illness, and her mother’s last “commission” to Ella is that she would always “have courage and be kind.”
Ella holds to this promise out of love and respect for her mother; then, when she is a young woman, she gives her father her loving blessing for him to marry a widower and take her and her two daughters into their household. Ella’s new stepmother (Cate Blanchett) seeks to take over and run the household. She takes especial advantage of her position and of Ella during the times Ella’s father is away on business.
While on one of his trips, her father falls ill and dies, and Ella is left heartbroken. Her stepmother and sisters begin to treat her with even more cruelty in the absence of the one who truly loved her and make her into their household slave, instead of a member of the family. She is treated unjustly and cruelly.
One day, she tries to run away and unknowingly meets the prince in the woods, and they have an initial attraction. He later announces a ball in which he will choose a bride (by insistence of his ailing father), and invites not only the nobility to attend but every class of citizen in hopes he might meet Ella again.
The rest of the story is familiar, but, as I stated, there are many things about this remake that I find especially refreshing. The themes of courage and kindness are very prominent throughout. I appreciate how they focus on Ella’s relationship with her stepmother and sisters and how she deals with their cruelty. She doesn’t let the “labels” they put on her, or what they tried to make her into, define her. She remembers who she is, a daughter deeply loved by her mother and father, someone who has value.
She recognizes that other people can’t tell her who she is. This is such a powerful truth for all of us. There will always be people who try to put us in their box or tell us who we are, but if we know the truth, that we are sons and daughters living in our Heavenly Father’s affection, we won’t be moved or changed by their hurtful words and actions. They also did a great job of showing the contrast between the way Ella handled her grief versus her stepmother. Ella chooses courage and forgiveness, while her stepmother chooses to inflict her own pain on others and remains bitter.
I like the mention of the fact that if it were not for the cruelty of her step-family, Ella would have never run away and met the prince in the woods—which turns into the ultimate happy ending for her. God often uses our sufferings to bring us into good and beautiful places in life, so this is a great reminder.
Finally, the theme of forgiveness is portrayed quite powerfully in the film, where Ella very sincerely forgives her stepmother at the end.
The only objectionable content (with children in mind) is as follows: Many of the ladies show cleavage in the way they were dressed. In one scene, there is a fresco shown briefly in the palace that shows a lot of half naked people. And when we first meet Ella’s fairy godmother, it is very dark, and she appears a bit scary, until she transforms herself into a beautiful woman in a white dress. When Ella escapes from the palace after the ball, the scene may be intense for little ones. There is a scene in Ella’s house where her stepmother is having a party, and they are gambling. There is virtually no violence, no language, and only one kiss is shown, which is after Ella and the prince are wed.
I love this quote toward the end of the film: “Perhaps the greatest risk any of us will ever take is to be seen for who we truly are.” Ella has to make this choice to defy the lies of the ones who have tried to make her into something she is not in order to present herself to the prince. She has to have the courage to come to him as she is, in her dirty rags and without a high position in society, trusting that he’ll love her simply for who she is. So many of us pretend to be something we’re not to gain the love we desire. But being shamelessly who we are is the ultimate place of freedom.
I definitely recommend this film for families with children ages five and up. It is a sweet, well done and refreshing classic brought back to life for our day and age.

Fast & Furious 7

High-octane sequel Fast & Furious 7 satisfies as an action film and a moving send-off for the late Paul Walker, Ryan writes...

Fifteen years ago, a magazine article about illegal street racing left a producer with dollar signs in his eyes, and the result was the trashily entertaining The Fast & The Furious - a high-speed reworking of Point Break with a title taken from an old Roger Corman movie (director Rob Cohen got the title from Corman in exchange for a few reels of stock footage).
That Universal now has such a huge franchise on its hands is no small thanks to director Justin Lin, who managed to take the series from its increasingly niche street racing roots and into new, colossally over-the-top action territory with Fast Five. But Fast & Furious 7 sees Lin replaced by a new director, James Wan - a filmmaker more closely associated with his Sawfilms than high-octane stunts.
Nevertheless, Wan manages to continue the series almost seamlessly, reintroducing its rogues’ gallery of characters one by one before sending them off on another crashing adventure. Fast & Furious 7's events follow on directly from the sixth film, as scowling ex-soldier Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham) seeks revenge on the crew who took out his brother, Owen (Luke Evans). That crew includes growling papa bear Dom (Vin Diesel), azure-eyed sidekick Brian (Paul Walker), fist-fighting Lettie (Michelle Rodriguez), grinning jack o’lantern Roman (Tyrese Gibson) and too many others to list.
Statham, having made a grand entrance as a Terminator-like villain who’s deadly with his fists and a demon behind the wheel, is oddly relegated to the background as the story veers into different territory; Dom and his crew are hired by a G-man calling himself Mr Nobody (Kurt Russell), who wants them to recover a cutting-edge surveillance device called God's Eye. Attempting to acquire that device gets Dom on the wrong side of another villain, Jakande (Djimon Hounsou), who we never really get to learn much about other than that he likes shouting and riding in helicopters.
Once again, Fast & Furious 7's writers have been charged with finding ever more outlandish reasons for having its characters steal things from moving vehicles, and there are signs by now that they’ve already used up some of their best ideas. A set-piece involving trucks, a deserted road and our heroes’ cars could be a loving homage to the first film’s highway heists - or it could simply be déjà vu setting in.
Some of the other set-pieces pack a far more effective punch - there’s a great, bruising fight sequence between Statham and Dwayne Johnson’s improbably beefed-up agent Hobbs (his new desk job gives him more time to pump iron, he says), which is the mother of all action movie face-offs all by itself. Another one intercuts a battle between Michelle Rodriguez and an army of female soldiers with a scene which involves a stolen $3.5m sports car, Diesel and Walker, and a trio of skyscrapers.
These scenes are as guffaw-inducing and entertainingly improbable as they sound, but there’s a problem, by now, with this more-is-more approach. The story’s writers have such a huge cast to juggle that they have to either hurriedly find reasons for extraneous characters to politely bow out for a while, or at least give them something useful to do.
A few faces from the previous film are inevitably missing, but Fast & Furious 7 simply replaces them with new ones: British hacker Ramsay (Game Of Thrones' Nathalie Emmanuel) spends much of the time staring at a laptop or being bundled into different cars, while martial arts grandmaster Tony Jaa only appears in a couple of (admittedly impressive) fight scenes. It’s also a bit disappointing to see Statham’s role being relatively slight, despite being heavily billed at the end of Fast & Furious 6; instead of driving the plot along, he simply pops up to throw a spanner in the works now and again.
None of this is to say that Fast & Furious 7 isn’t a big, fun, crowd-pleasing night out at the pictures. It’s also highly affecting, particularly in the way it handles Brian’s character following the tragic death of Paul Walker last year. For all its juvenile obsession with cavorting women in bikinis, shiny cars and big explosions, the Fast franchise has, unusually, readily acknowledged the passing of time and the ageing of its characters. Fast & Furious 7 does this particularly well, throwing in nods to the previous films in the franchise and giving Brian’s story a dignified, unexpectedly moving sense of closure.
There's evidence in several places that Fast & Furious 7 was retooled in the wake of Walker’s passing, which accounts for some of the more ungainly moments in its plot and a few rushed effects scenes - approximately half of Walker's scenes were completed with a mix of body doubles and CGI. But under what must have been tricky circumstances, James Wan has put together a sequel which satisfies as a popcorn-rustling action flick and a respectful send-off for one of its biggest stars.
It’s been said that the Fast series will continue, but with its characters taking stock of the past and the stunts at their dizzying zenith, Fast & Furious 7 seems like a fitting place to let the long-running franchise enjoy a well-earned rest.

The Avengers: Age of Ultron Review

The Avengers: Age of Ultron Review

Other well with Marvel Studios disappointed when it does not introduce a new film project at the event Comic-Con in San Diego last 07 months. Still do ruler screen entertainment world and the public with their superheroes, Marvel has a plan to launch from now until 2019, and only revealed only one project in the next 3 years. It seems that the current manufacturers just want everyone to pay attention to the Guardians of the Galaxy - film debut a week later and succeeded beyond imagination.
But then during his introduction, Marvel has made the audience to pay attention to the two projects will be launched in 2015 as The The Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man. Even so, people now and have started asking questions to part 3 of this series - which according to the manufacturer Kevin Feige, it will be released after The Avengers 2 three years, ie 2018.

The Avengers: Age of Ultron The main character can be saved for the next movie 1

It is not difficult to guess, because in that Marvel will launch three films. Some rumors in recent years indicate that the most likely content of The Avengers 3 will witness the super hero squad Earth teamed up with members of the Guardians of the Galaxy to fight against Thanos (Josh Brolin plays ) - villains to appear in purple sweat Marvel movie premiere in May 8. But there is nothing better than this?
Page Badass Digest recently confirmed from their sources, with close to the actor in Marvel, The Avengers 3 that will be split into two parts (like some final episode of the hit series like Harry Potter , The Hunger Games , ...). This is an idea many people think that Marvel will follow this path. And this is even more reasonable when combining it with rumors that Captain America in the Age of ULTRON will recruit some new faces to the team Avenger - means more members and more stories to tell.
And this leads us to other interesting information too. What happens if The Avengers 3 focuses exploit new superhero character alone? If Thor, Iron Man, Hulk and Captain America (version Chris Evans ) is not the star of the film because they were missing somewhere? And if The Avengers 3 just a film prepared for another film, could be released within this year and merge everything together, then why? That's the latest rumor about each transmission projects today. It sounds confusing, but in the main it is the style of Marvel ever.
Besides the potential for the contents, cross-marketing plan and an opportunity to expand the story outside the boundaries of the Avengers team, the reason is quite reasonable when Marvel decided to implement our plan has since on the label is to be able to grasp the truth of his contemporaries star as long as possible. Most of us know that Marvel has long been the problem with the actor and his film producer. The company has always captured the actors have signed many projects, and the expiration of the additional characters try new things even if the actor has expressed bluntly retirements. At the time of this writing, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner and Robert Downey Jr. Each contract expires after the project The Avengers 3, so the saving them for a grand event and appear only sporadically in a few scenes before it was a smart move for Marvel solve problem.

The Avengers: Age of Ultron The main character can be saved for the next movie 2

There may be a few that will continue to collaborate again for some time. Robert Downey Jr. further revealed recently returned to his job in Iron Man 4 if the actor received an offer delicious from Disney / Marvel, a good story and a pleasant director - Mel Gibson.
We still have a few more years until the new release date of The Avengers 3, so to repeat the above information may be true at the moment, but will change the unforeseen future. If this rumor is correct, then the project as Thor or Captain America 3 3 will be extremely interesting, as the superhero we will for some reason, which disappears at the end of the film - Foul Thor and Odin were exiled, Captain America is dead or retired, wait and see!
The The Avengers: Age of Ultron will be released on May 01 after 05 years.

Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 3, 2015

Pretty in pink! Emma Roberts, Lea Michele and Abigail Breslin get all dressed up on Scream Queens set in New Orleans

They might have been hard at work, but the cast of Scream Queens looked like they were having a blast on Sunday.
With Emma Roberts, Lea Michele and Abigail Breslin all on set in New Orleans, the young Hollywood crowd showed off their high spirits.
Abigail, 18, flashed just a bit of her pink outfit under a dark blue robe while walking with her long blonde hair down in between scenes. 
In character: Emma Roberts was in a pink outfit in between scenes 
In character: Emma Roberts was in a pink outfit in between scenes on Sunday while filming Scream Queens in New Orleans
Footwear change: Emma wore brown boots before slipping into pink heels
Footwear change: Emma wore brown boots before slipping into pink heels
Footwear change: Emma wore brown boots before slipping into pink heels
Emma, 24, teamed her pink mini with a long-sleeved white blouse and pink sweater and also let her golden tresses down also. 
Lea, 28, also joined the pink brigade and was spotted in a pink and white sleeveless top with a geometric pattern and matching miniskirt. She seemed in a great mood, talking animatedly to an assistant between scenes.
Original scream queen Jamie Lee Curtis, 56, also has a role in the horror-comedy anthology series and also was seen on the set. 
Pink lady: Lea Michele also wore a pink miniskirt on the set
Pink lady: Lea Michele also wore a pink miniskirt on the set
Television star: Lea has moved onto Scream Queens following the end of Glee after six seasons
Television star: Lea has moved onto Scream Queens following the end of Glee after six seasons
Television star: Lea has moved onto Scream Queens following the end of Glee after six seasons
Nasim Pedrad of Saturday Night Live fame also was filming scenes and wore black and grey ensembles. 
Lucien Laviscount, 22, smoked a cigarette between takes and was decked out in a short-sleeved white shirt, green ties and off-white jeans.
Keke Palmer, 21, also has a featured role in the series and was spent some time with Lucien in between takes.
Scream Queens also features Skyler Samuels and will include a number of musicians in recurring roles, including Nick Jonas and Ariana Grande. 
ON the set: Abigail Breslin covered up in a blue robe
ON the set: Abigail Breslin covered up in a blue robe

'It's nice for a girl to have a memory of a fairy princess party': Tamara Ecclestone explains her one-year-old daughter Sophia's incredibly lavish first birthday bash

She recently threw her daughter an incredibly elaborate party for her first birthday.
And now Tamara Ecclestone has spoken about her little girl Sophia's 'milestone' first birthday bash, which was a rather lavish affair with a four-foot cake, dozens of flowers and two miniature ponies as just some of the expensive additions.
The model and her husband, property developer Jay Rutland, even decorated the pink party marquee with a giant portrait of daughter Sophia and a large number 1 with dozens of pale-pink roses.
Family time: Tamara Ecclestone posed for a cute picture with birthday girl Sophia, and her parents Bernie and Slavica, at the tot's lavish first birthday party in this week's Hello! magazine
Family time: Tamara Ecclestone posed for a cute picture with birthday girl Sophia, and her parents Bernie and Slavica, at the tot's lavish first birthday party in this week's Hello! magazine
Tamara told Hello! Magazine about her presents for the child: 'We got her a Cavalier King Charles spaniel called Lady and a Build-a-Bear, which Jay and I recorded our voices in, so she can keep it forever.'
She added: 'I just think it's nice for a girl to have a memory of a fairy princess party. One is such an incredible milestone.'
However, aside from looking at photos of the big day when she's older, one-year-old Sophia may have troubles remembering her first ever birthday celebration. 
Also at the party was Tamara's father Bernie Ecclestone, and her stunning mother Slavica, who posed alongside her and Sophia for a sweet family picture.
Proud: On the day of her birthday party, doting mum Tamara shared this sweet snap of Sophia in a specially-made t-shirt
Proud: On the day of her birthday party, doting mum Tamara shared this sweet snap of Sophia in a specially-made t-shirt
The Formula 1 boss, who is set to become a grandfather again when his daughter Petra gives birth, couldn't contain his pride at the bash.
'I'm proud of my daughters and what beautiful granddaughters they have produced. And we are soon to be more. We are lucky.'
The brunette beauty posed with her parents with her little girl in her arms during the party, in a sweet family portrait to go along with the big day. 
The incredibly lavish party for little Sophia took place on Tuesday, just a few days after her first birthday, and saw a menagerie of animals including zebras, sheep, puppies and ponies making their way into the family home.
The house had been kitted out with pink balloons crafted into 'S' shapes in honour of the youngster.
Birthday girl! Tamara shared a picture of her baby girl as she turned one a few days earlier, surrounded by balloons while looking slightly bemused
Birthday girl! Tamara shared a picture of her baby girl as she turned one a few days earlier, surrounded by balloons while looking slightly bemused
Fit for a princess: The entrance to the house was transformed into a balloon castle emblazoned with giant 'S' letters in the child's honour
Fit for a princess: The entrance to the house was transformed into a balloon castle emblazoned with giant 'S' letters in the child's honour
Each animal had its very own station complete with a gazebo and pink name sign and a balloon artist was also seen making his way into the family home.
On Tuesday morning, Tamara uploaded a snap of her firstborn wearing custom-made pajamas on Instagram as she gushed over the tiny tot.
Along with the picture of Sophia wearing the outfit, emblazoned with her name and the number '1', Tamara wrote: 'Happy birthday angel no words could ever describe how much I love you so proud of the beautiful little lady you are the light of my life.'
Speaking about the extravagant event, Steven Duggan, who didn't organise this event but has organised parties for the likes of Elton John and Adele, believes the event could have cost around £70,000. He said: 'This is a beautiful setting for Sophia on her birthday.
Loving mother: Tamara is completely besotted with her little girl, and recently admitted that she 'loves her so much I'm like a crazy woman'
Loving mother: Tamara is completely besotted with her little girl, and recently admitted that she 'loves her so much I'm like a crazy woman'
Travelling family: Little Sophia is dearly loved by parents Tamara and Jay Rutland, and has so far travelled to destinations far and wide as a lucky youngster
Travelling family: Little Sophia is dearly loved by parents Tamara and Jay Rutland, and has so far travelled to destinations far and wide as a lucky youngster

'What a wonderful place this is': Lady Gaga poses backstage at theatre event honoring close friend Elton John

Lady Gaga is godmother to Elton John and husband David Furnish's sons Elijah and Zachary.
And on Sunday the 28-year-old joined her close friends as they were honored at the Geffen Playhouse Gala in Los Angeles.
She stunned in a shimmery red jumpsuit as she appeared at the gala where the couple were honored with the Distinction in Theatre Award.
Lady in red: Lady Gaga looked glamorous in red as she attended the Geffen Playhouse Gala in Los Angeles on Sunday
Lady in red: Lady Gaga looked glamorous in red as she attended the Geffen Playhouse Gala in Los Angeles on Sunday
Lady Gaga - real name Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta - wore her blonde locks in glamorous, loose curls.
The songstress was dolled up in a shimmery silver eye shadow, a bold cat eye, and a bright red lipstick.
She donned a fitted red sparkling jumpsuit, which featured a daring cut-out down the front, and accessorized with a stunning diamond necklace and coordinating bracelet.
The star hinted that, while happy for her friends, she was sad to be away from her new fiance, Taylor Kinney, as on one photo she commented: 'I miss my honey pie'
Thinking of you: The star seemed sad to be away from fiance Taylor Kinney, as on one photo she commented: 'I miss my honey pie' 
Thinking of you: The star seemed sad to be away from fiance Taylor Kinney, as on one photo she commented: 'I miss my honey pie' 
On another, in which the singer showcased her stunning ensemble while looking off-camera, she wrote: 'At Geffen's Playhouse. Honoring Elton & David for a Distinction in Theatre.'
'What a wonderful place this playhouse is, giving the possibility of 'magic,' as Elton says it, by making theatre available to more people, so no one is left behind.'
'I particularly love this wall, seems I found my place here too how perfect: "Love, Loss, and What I Wore"' she shared.
According to the Los Angeles Times, the gala was honoring Elton and David with the Distinction in Theatre Award.
Supportive: The songstress attended Sunday's gala as it was in honor of close friends Elton John and David Furnish
Supportive: The songstress attended Sunday's gala as it was in honor of close friends Elton John and David Furnish
Elton has written the scores to three hit musicals - The Lion King, Billy Elliot, and Aida - and the couple served as producers on the Broadway run of the play Next Fall - which later came to Geffen -by Geoffrey Nauffts.
George Lucas and his wife Mellody Hobson were also being honored at the event, for their philanthropic service, with the theatre's Distinction in Service Award. 
The pair have given to schools and universities through the Star Wars filmmaker's foundations, and he is involved with the creation of a new museum - the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art - which is expected to open in Chicago in 2018.
The museum is set to be devoted to the art of storytelling and will feature works of art from Lucas' private collection.
Honorees: Elton John (L) and husband David Furnish (R) received the Distinction in Theatre Award from the Geffen Playhouse on Sunday (pictured in Los Angeles in February) 
Honorees: Elton John (L) and husband David Furnish (R) received the Distinction in Theatre Award from the Geffen Playhouse on Sunday (pictured in Los Angeles in February)